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Fuentes: Bertelsmann Stiftung, “Zuwanderungsbedarf aus Drittstaaten in Deutschland bis 2050; Bruegel, “54% of EU jobs at risk of computerisation”; YouGov for ‘Bild’; Special Eurobarometer 382 “Public Attitudes towards Robots”; Enciclopedia Britannica; Smithsonian Institution; VII Encuesta de Percepción Social de la Ciencia; Public Policy Polling; Bertelsmann Stiftung , “Attitudes to global trade and TTIP in Germany and the U.S.”; Barómetro del Real Instituto Elcano; National Geographic-Roper Public Affairs, “2006 Geographic Literacy Study”; Pew, “From ISIS to Unemployment: What Do Americans Know?”; Pew, “Public’s Views on Human Evolution”; Gallup, General Knowledge Levels.